- Wire with no paraffin coat
The PN Type is a special electrode wire most suitable fore wire electric discharge machines, which has been developed using high-speed machining and automatic threading technologies.
It yields a fine finish in machining large or precision work materials while exhibiting superior automatic theadability. The high zinc concentration in brass has assured high-speed machining.
- Wire with no paraffin coat
The PN Type is a special electrode wire most suitable for wire electric discharge machines, which has been developed using high-speed machining and automatic threading technologies.
It yields a fine finish in machining work materials while exhibiting superior automatic theadability.
OKI Zinc Coated Wire OS-Z |
The Z Type is a zinc-coated brass wire. Its high tensile strength allows smoother surface and more precise cuts than bare brass wire. The Z type wire guarantees high reliabilty and productivity in automatic operation.